Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas together form ... upside-down, before the music breaks free into a triumphant apotheosis. Finally, the ‘C minor Sonata Op. 111’ reaches another level of ...
Beethoven’s five piano concertos trace a path ... Unquenchable energy, wit, and good humor bounce out of this music. Its outer two movements are unmistakable for their vivacity; the first ...
On Thursday evening, the BSO and music director Andris Nelsons launched the central series of concerts of the Beethoven and Romanticism festival Quick! Picture Beethoven in your mind. I wager you ...
Beethoven is renowned as a great composer. Many people across the world know his name, that he wrote his best music after he became profoundly deaf and can perhaps hum the first few bars of his ...
‘There is only one Beethoven.’ People approach Beethoven with a feeling of awe and reverence. Whether you like his music or not, it is an appropriate response for his achievements make him one of the ...