The popular Australian animated series, which follows Bluey, a Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mom and little sister Bingo, has two holiday-themed episodes, which are available to stream ...
List your movie, TV & celebrity picks. Bluey, Bingo, Mum and Dad all play a game of hand puppets, exploring the land beyond the Blue Mountains where they'll have to outsmart the Cheeky Fox to find the ...
The popular Australian animated series, which follows Bluey, a Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mom and little sister Bingo, has two holiday-themed episodes, which are available to stream on ..., Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news ...
"It's like the fabric of Bluey is in Brisbane," says Melanie Zanetti, the voice of Chilli Heeler, Bluey's beloved TV mum, noting that ... that features in the Bluey episode Spy Game.