According to a new study, it’s the worst single species die-off in modern history and was triggered by "The Blob", a mass of warm water in the north Pacific Ocean that has had a lasting and ...
The blob — an extreme marine heatwave that hit the northeast Pacific between 2014 and 2016 — killed approximately 4 million common murre, and the population is yet to recover, a new study finds.
The tall, stony coastlines of the northeast Pacific Ocean are much quieter than they were just a decade ago. Following a punishing marine heat wave in the region, the raucous seabird colonies that ...
Colony surveys of common murres, an Alaskan seabird, show the full effects of the 2014-16 marine heat wave known as 'the blob.' Analysis of 13 colonies surveyed between 2008 and 2022 finds that ...
"Pectinatella magnifica, also known as the Magnificent Bryozoan (what a name ... ecosystem and pose no danger to people. "This blob will die and decompose over winter, but its offspring will ...
While it's not uncommon for other critters, including insects, snails, mussels and crayfish, to be found on the receivers, the Midwest Fisheries Center said the "blob of jelly" was different. USFWS ...
The "blob of jelly" found on the underwater equipment is actually a colony made of thousands of tiny animals called a Pectinatella magnifica, or Bryozoan colony. "While bryozoans might look ...
“No, you’re not looking at algae or frog eggs,” officials said, adding that the mysterious hitchhiker was identified as a bryozoan. “This blob of jelly is an animal — thousands of ...