The institution of marriage faces scrutiny amidst modern dating trends like 'nanoships' and 'textationships' and rising divorce rates. Despite these challenges, marriage remains relevant for its ...
With a rich history in arts, culture and other areas it is no surprise that many famous faces have come from Suffolk. Famous painter John Constable captured the Suffolk countryside in paintings while ...
It’s not Paisley-born Paolo Nutini, that’s for sure. Charlie Chaplin - Final Speech from The Great Dictator In 1939, Charlie Chaplin was a superstar. Born in South London, he moved to the US ...
Singapore authorities are concerned about a surge in 'sham marriages', where foreign women pay Singaporean men to marry them for immigration benefits. The ICA has reported 32 cases from January to ...
The resonance of the name Charlie Hebdo still rings loudly, a decade after the horrific attack on its offices. But the questions it raised have still not been answered. That day, twelve people ...