Layer 5 pyramidal neurons, crucial for brain information processing, vary significantly in their synaptic protein composition based on neuron type.
Scientists at Yale and the University of Connecticut have taken a major step in understanding how animal brains make ...
Specific brain cells known as layer 5 pyramidal neurons play a vital role in how our brains process information. Research by ...
Specific brain cells known as layer 5 pyramidal neurons play a vital role in how our brains process information. Research by the team of Prof. Joris de Wit (VIB-KU Leuven) and colleagues highlights ...
Specific brain cells known as layer 5 pyramidal neurons play a vital role in how our brains process information. Research by ...
The US FDA has granted ODD to NMD Pharma’s oral lead development programme, NMD670, designed to treat Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).
Synaptic configurations play a key role in how the nervous system processes sensory information to generate behavioral ...
这一研究揭示了电突触在感官信息处理和行为选择中的全新功能,为神经科学领域带来了重要的理论突破。长期以来,电突触被视为一种简单的信号传递通路,主要作用是通过间隙连接(gap ...