在科技快速发展的今天,智能设备行业迎来了新的机遇与挑战。根据最新的市场分析,兴森科技成为CSP(Chip Scale Package)封装基板的重要制造商,其产品特别在存储类应用中占据了约70%的市场份额。随着AI和机器学习的发展,对高带宽内存(HBM)需求的急剧增长,使得兴森科技的产品在电子行业中愈发重要,尤其是与韩国存储芯片厂商的合作关系,使其在激烈的市场竞争中占据了一席之地。 兴森科技的CS ...
Surfaces beneath flip chips, chip-scale packages, and ball grid arrays can be activated to improve fillet height, wicking speed, and interface adhesion. Hybrid bonding is transforming semiconductor ...
In a paper in the journal Scientific Reports, Blumenthal, Isichenko and team present a development in this direction with a chip-scale ultra-low-linewidth self-injection locked 780 nm laser.
Surfaces beneath flip chips, chip-scale packages, and ball grid arrays can be activated to improve fillet height, wicking speed, and interface adhesion. Hybrid bonding is transforming ...