VARNOLSAVAM (Malayalam for Festival of Colors), a painting competition for children in the age group of five to fifteen has become Kerala's biggest cultural event if the number of participants and ...
With kids home from school due to the Arctic air, parents may be looking for ideas that don't involve leaving the house.
Shanoa Allowitz is an encaustic artist and the owner of Alchemy School of Art in Heber City’s historic old town. She creates ...
Meet SurferCat Mavi, chill with kitties and connect with cat fanciers as Space Cats Florida comes to the Space Coast ...
In "Catland: Louis Wain and the Great Cat Mania," Hughes threads together Wain's biography and influence with a social ...
Ivan Kashinsky has traveled the world for Smithsonian magazine, but when disaster struck earlier this month, he rushed home ...
Mommy Poppins has a list of 50 science experiments you can do with children using household items.. For example, mix baking ...
Mattel has a new Batman set for us, but is it enough to release it as a Silver Series special? Will people buy it? I'm trying ...
Juggling life and work as an artist feels like trying to juggle a live, squirming human child and Schrödinger’s theoretical ...
This month, the Goizueta Children’s Experience opened featuring nods to Atlanta’s historical roots in a 5,000 square foot space.
I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared. There are gay, lesbian, transgender children, ...
• Drawing in the Galleries: European-Medieval & Renaissance is 6-8:30 p.m. Jan. 24 and noon-4 p.m. Jan. 26, Detroit Institute of Arts, Art-Making Studio, 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit,