VARNOLSAVAM (Malayalam for Festival of Colors), a painting competition for children in the age group of five to fifteen has become Kerala's biggest cultural event if the number of participants and ...
But decades later, the market for kids’ art supplies has a whole lot more to offer. So to help me (and you) pick a gift for a friend’s third-grader, prepare for a toddler’s first foray into ...
Jan. 16—"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up," Pablo Picasso once said. Lori Learnard, a retired Oakwood High art teacher, agrees with Picasso, and she's ...
Some pretty creative kids live in Fergus County. If you don’t believe that, ask Kara Howell and Emily Eckhardt; they should know. Both are teachers for the Lewistown Art Center’s ...