Confined spaces are enclosed spaces that are large enough for workers to enter and perform work assignments, but have limited openings to enter and exit and are not designed for continuous employee ...
Once inside vertically confined spaces, cockroaches still locomoted rapidly at twenty body lengths per second using an unexplored mode of locomotion – body-friction legged crawling. Using materials ...
There are numerous of Confined Spaces throughout the University. At SFU, confined spaces can only be accessed by qualified contractors or trades to perform various maintenance and services. Confined ...
Confined spaces can be challenging and often dangerous. Having the right PPE can make all the difference in conducting confined space entry, exit, and rescue safely.
The confined space program provides procedures and guidelines for safe entry, exit, and emergency response during confined space operations. This program applies to staff and contractors who enter ...
The WorksafeBC requirements for confined space can be stringent and onerous. Both SFU & WorksafeBC requires that a risk/hazard assessment of the space be conducted prior to any entry of a confined ...
Confined spaces are found in nearly every work environment. These spaces can expose workers to hazards related to oxygen deficiency, and toxic or combustible atmospheres. The updated ANSI/ASSP ...
Studies have shown that the population of some microbes can increase extraordinarily in microgravity and confined spaces. This means many infectious illnesses could easily spread to everyone aboard.