It's a law that everyone in Ireland knows — if you have a TV in your home or place of business, you need a TV licence. It doesn't matter if the TV is only used for online streaming or gaming or even ...
EPA figures show that each year Ireland wastes enough food to make over one million meals a day. The EPA is encouraging everyone in Cork to reduce their festive food waste and to make sure to use ...
Only get lost while having fun, not on the road! We have gathered all the information for you in one convenient spot, but please keep in mind that these are subject to change. We do our best to keep ...
Cork Penny Dinners provides food, clothing and other supports to people who are struggling or homeless. The charity has moved to new premises at the Croí na Laoí Catríona Twomey Wellness Centre ...
Cork’s Iconic SHARE Crib to Light Up St. Patrick Street True Christmas spirit will be felt on the streets of Cork city over the next two weeks, as almost 2,000 students from 22 schools across the city ...