you mentioned Arduino, a DCC-connected programmable system. Is that like Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI) software, and if so, how do the two compare? - Bruce Fogwell A: Hi, Bruce. Arduino isn ...
The 1980s also brought digital control systems into the hobby. Digital Command Control (DCC), introduced in the late 1980s, allowed hobbyists to control multiple trains independently on the same track ...
“Trains brought everything from visiting relatives to all the goods in town,” says Tony Cook, editor of Model Railroad News. “The train under the tree maybe signals the path by which the ...
Laurel Highlands Model Railroad Club members created the miniature railroad worlds by combining local landmarks with visions from their own imaginations. The displays, located at 216 W.
CUMBERLAND — The region’s scenic and storied railways is the focus of the Maryland and West Virginia Model Railroad Association’s annual display, which is on display at the Allegany County Fairgrounds ...
A new model of train capable of speeds of up to 180 miles per hour could be running on Amtrak lines as soon as next spring, provided the final testing stages go well. The new line of Acela trains ...
A small, more affordable Model Y is coming to the U.S. in 2025, says an automobile intelligence firm. This comes after a series of statements by Tesla executives about “affordable” models ...
Model portfolios continue to expand, increasing to nearly $424 billion USD. Assets in model portfolios have surged by 48% over two years, reflecting their growing popularity and effectiveness in ...