People with dental insurance are more likely to keep up with oral health care, which means dental insurance is often well worth its cost. Dental insurance costs vary based on the coverage you select.
It’s essential that you maintain your pet’s pearly whites. Inadequate dental care can cause health problems such as gum disease, broken teeth, abscesses, and cysts or tumors in the mouth.
Daily science news on research developments and the latest scientific innovations Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech ...
If you want whiter teeth, professional teeth whitening works well, but it can be expensive. If you want to skip a trip to the dentist and save money, you can try at-home whitening strips.
there are a variety of products that make it easy to whiten teeth at home -- no dentist appointment needed. If you want to DIY a brighter smile, we've discovered the best comprehensive teeth ...
Sonya Krasilnikov, a dentist and co-founder of Dental House, says, “Choosing between Sonicare and Oral-B is like picking between a Mercedes and a BMW. It’s mostly personal preference.” ...
The first rule of thumb when wearing new dentures is to "take it easy" with food. Your mouth and tongue need to learn how to work with your new dental appliance. Pressure from the dentures can cause ...