Discover resources offering practical support for low vision, including transportation services, assistive technology training, and comprehensive rehabilitation programs.
The prevalence of amblyopia, ametropia, and strabisumus is elevated among individuals with color vision deficiency.
Rates of ADHD in New Zealand are estimated on OECD figures, but spokesperson Darrin Bull says a more accurate country wide database would enable better support. He says children should be screened at ...
In this reported op-ed, Anna Wolfe explores how trauma and autoimmune disorders may be related in women. At 19, my body was ...
Virtual reality headsets like the Meta Quest or Apple Vision Pro will be a Christmas gift in more than one home this year.
As the clock strikes midnight on January 1, many people find themselves inundated with messages about setting resolutions, ...
If they do not understand what it is like to have a good vision, many of their problems will go uncorrected and can impact their overall development. For all these reasons, the identification of eye ...
Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia heighten risks for migraines, epilepsy, and mental fatigue post-pregnancy, ...
Treatment of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Traumatic brain injury (TBI). Merck Manual Professional Edition. Giant cell arteritis. Watanabe A, ...
OpenDoors' mission is to invest in people, not prisons. OpenDoors provides wrap-around services and advocacy to ...