A one-year-old child residing in Gujarat started feeling sick and suffering from diarrhoea after eating snacks. In a shocking incident, this girl’s parents saw a dead rat in the same namkeen packet ...
In a shocking incident in Prempur village, Sabarkantha, Gujarat, a one-year-old girl became seriously ill after consuming a snack from a sealed packet of Namkeen, which allegedly contained a dead rat.
Food contamination issues have increased in recent times. Recently, a girl fell ill after eating a popular snack with a dead rat. Read on to know more about it. The increase in reports of pests in ...
A one-year-old girl in Prempur village, Gujarat, suffered from severe diarrhoea after consuming a packet of Gopal Namkeen that allegedly contained a dead rat. The girl’s father, Rajesh Patel, claims ...
Officers used a "dead rat" concealment device for secret messages until testing revealed an unlikely nemesis: curious cats. The fix? Dousing the rat in wormwood oil to keep the whiskered spies at bay.
In a shocking incident, a one-year-old child suffered diarrhoea allegedly after eating snacks (namkeen) from a sealed packet of famous company in which a dead rat was found. The incident took place in ...