The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), for its part, said it is conducting a crackdown against fake PWD IDs. The CHR lauded the two initiatives as “they are crucial in safeguarding the benefits ...
New Delhi: Expressing concern over illegal immigrants from Bangladesh staying in Delhi, BJP on Sunday accused two AAP MLAs of making fake Aadhaar cards for them as the party cited cases being ...
In a statement on Monday, December 23, the human rights body expressed concern over the use of fake PWD IDs to wrongfully access privileges and discounts mandated by Republic Act 7277 or the Magna ...
However, although Zeugma is renowned as a significant archaeological site, the photo circulating on Greek social media does not show a real discovery. Görkay confirmed that he had not uncovered the ...
They had entered India illegally and had been living in Sangam Vihar for over a year using fake Indian identification documents. During questioning, they also presented their genuine Bangladeshi IDs, ...
University of Maryland Police are working with the Office of Student Conduct and a College Park bar to crack down on the use of fake IDs. This partnership was formed incidentally, said David Lloyd ...
The accused created fake Aadhaar cards, voter ID cards and other documents using forged IDs through the fake website. The crackdown came ahead of the Delhi LG secretariat's directions to the chief ...