Monitor corn crop and chop for silage when it reaches the proper moisture level. Although corn silage may have small ears and/or lack of full kernel development, feeding programs can be built around ...
The person who originated the adage, “It beats a snowbank” may have been thinking about feeding corn stalk bales. However, like most forages there can be quite a bit of variability in nutritional ...
“They’re just buying (grain) as they need it.” Corn imports from the U.S. have reduced demand for depleted Alberta feed wheat and barley, with prices for both declining in turn. The high-delivered bid ...
Karlin says hay prices have reached all-time highs of $360-$370 per ton. Corn silage is close to record levels at $65-$70 per ton. Prices for almond hulls, a common feed component at Central ...
MarketsFarm — Corn has become the primary feed grain in Alberta feedlots due to its lower price compared to barley and wheat. However, rising corn prices in the U.S. and transportation issues are ...