On 8 January 2025, tensions flared at Shukdebpur village in West Bengal’s Malda district as the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) faced off against the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) over a ...
Entrepreneurs wear a lot of hats. From accounting to employee management — the success of your startup begins and ends with you. We recommend making it a little easier by using startup software and ...
The film captures two players staging the classic within an online video game, raising fascinating questions about community and connection. By Alissa Wilkinson Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx star as ...
After being shot by a resentful former patient whom he failed to help, a Philadelphia child psychologist seeks redemption by treating a young boy with a disturbing secret. Dr. Malcom Crowe is a child ...
In 1945, immediately following the end of Second World War, a woman who lives with her two photosensitive children on her darkened old family estate in the Channel Islands becomes convinced that the ...