India welcomed its first Generation Beta baby, Frankie Remruatdika Zadeng, on January 1, 2025, in Aizawl, Mizoram. Born in Synod Hospital, baby Frankie is in good health. Generation Beta ...
What began as a routine hope for a healthy delivery turned into a historic moment as she gave birth to India's first Generation Beta baby. "I just prayed for my baby to be healthy," said 28-year ...
Gen Beta first baby: In a once in a generation event, the first ‘Gen Beta’ of the country was born in the year 2025. Born at 12:03 AM on the first of January, 2025, a baby named Baby Frankie ...
as Klin points towards Ram Charan. “RRR was truly an experience of a lifetime for us in many ways. Watching her nana for the first time on TV,” read the text in the video. Upasana captioned ...