The way cricket frogs move across the surface of water has long been thought to resemble walking on water, but researchers have now discovered a different reality.
A question on where frogs go in winter and a Catherine Chevalier Woods buck are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors ...
Oxygen availability is a critical factor for pond life during winter. Thick ice and snow cover can prevent oxygen from ...
Is walking on water possible for frogs?Several species have fascinated observers with their abilities to skip side-to-side and leap into the air from ...
In one of his great books (Aesop rsquo;s Fable), the great philosopher Aesop told a story of some mischievous boys and some ...
The sole population of Southern California steelhead in the coastal range has survived flames and drought but finds itself ...
Ms. Davis is the author of “Dear Mom and Dad: A Letter About Family, Memory and the America We Once Knew.” ...