By now, we're guessing you get the point and if funny puns and paw-some jokes ... What kind of felines can bowl? Alley cats. How do mice floss their teeth? With string cheese.
Cats are something else, man. There's a reason cat owners get along with dogs, but dog owners absolutely loathe and despise all felines from the bottom of their hearts. I mean, they only want love and ...
It's kind of funny watching him dangle there all the ... pull and dig their teeth into. Cats Protection recommends tying up any loose wires with cable tidies and clips to keep them out of reach.
The way Zeus is meowing is absolutely hilarious, and Aurora joins in with her typical Husky howl while Winnie tries to stand so still. The cat's meowing right in her ear makes this video so funny.
raise awareness about cats and to promote their well-being and protection. Watching funny cat videos isn't something new. In fact, the first ever cat video was made in 1894 and was called "Boxing ...