Nikki A. Levin, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. Note: The author reported no actual or potential ...
As kids, we often want to show off the cool things we make, be it a sandcastle, a LEGO house, a drawing, or something else.
Apple cider vinegar — aka ACV — is rumored to help with everything from sunburn and sore throats to headaches and heartburn.
一、呋喃的基础知识与产业背景 呋喃的名称源于拉丁文单词“furfur”,意为“糠”,象征着其来源于糠醛。工业上,糠醛是通过气相脱羰反应由农副产品(如麦子和玉米)的残渣中大量生产的。因此,呋喃不仅在有机合成中是一种关键的中间体,也是评估可持续 ...