The Bombay High Court on Friday granted bail to Jaydeep Apte, the sculptor who made the 28-feet statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Malvan that collapsed in August last year. A single bench of ...
A “very valuable” bronze sculpture worth £60,000 has been stolen from the garden of a world-renowned artist who said she was “upset” at the lack of progress in the investigation.
A “very valuable” bronze sculpture worth £60,000 has been stolen from the garden of a world-renowned artist who said she was “upset” at the lack of progress in the investigation. Anne Curry told the ...
La Promesse, a bronze sculpture worth about £60,000, was stolen from the home of artist Anne Curry in Arkesden, Essex (Essex Police/PA) A “very valuable” bronze sculpture worth £60,000 has ...
You may feel like starting new work. If you are associated with the field of art, then you will see many new avenues of progress open. Today is a favorable day for the students of this zodiac.
I can disclose that four precious bronze sculptures, which were stolen from Jeffrey Archer’s historic Cambridgeshire home, have been recovered. ‘It’s such a relief,’ the best-selling ...