A garment factory unit was completely gutted and materials estimated to be worth around ₹40 lakh were burnt in an accidental fire in Rukmini Nagar in Nagasandra early on Monday. No one was at ...
DHAKA -- On the morning of Jan. 2, workers at four Keya Group apparel factories in Gazipur, Dhaka's garment district, received notice they would lose their jobs on May 1, International Workers' Day.
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
The big benefit to integrated armour is its ubiquity – it’s been around for decades, and now it can be put into garments relatively cheaply. It’s by far the most convenient way to wear your ...
Rama Steel Tubes was the top gainer in the smallcap pack with nearly 60% return, followed by Refex Industries (32.3%), Kitex Garments (27%), and 63 Moons Technologies (26%).