阿巴瑟(英语:Abatur) 《摩訶婆羅多》中的化身(英语:Avatars in the Mahabharata) 陀沙跋多羅(英语:Dashavatara) 印度教中的釋迦牟尼佛(英语:Gautama Buddha in Hinduism) 化身 化身名單(英语:List of avatar claimants) nams;泰語:บุญ,羅馬化:bun),也稱功德利益 ...
The life span of Gautama, who is called Buddha or “Enlightened One,” is usually reckoned as about 560–480 B.C. According to traditional accounts, at the age of 29 Gautama saw in succession a ...
In this enlightening video, Sadhguru shares a story where Gautama Buddha addresses the age-old question, "Does God exist?" Two men, one a devout believer and the other a firm atheist, receive ...
Christian celebrants have lit their advent candles and Jews will begin lighting the menorah Wednesday evening to celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah. People who observe Kwanzaa will ...