The basic Apple Pencil starts at Rs 7,900, while the Pro variant of the same can set you back by Rs 11,900. While there are alternatives such as Logitech’s very good Crayon, they too are on the ...
11:49 p.m. Dec. 27, 2024: This story was updated with new information. The Mega Millions jackpot for Friday’s drawing sat alluring above $1 billion — and one ticket sold in California matched ...
On Wednesday, Dec. 25, the singer-songwriter, 79, shared rare video footage on Instagram of him performing "Silver & Gold," the title track from his eponymous 2000 album, which was written in 1981.
It’s Christmas and Neil Young is here with a gift. “Silver & Gold” was written in the early ’80s and played on tour a few times in 1984 but a studio recording wasn’t released until it ...
Traditional pillars of financial stability, such as gold and foreign currency reserves, now face scrutiny in an era of inflationary pressures, economic sanctions, and the demand for sovereignty ...