Every dog owner has been there. The one time you really need your dog to be on their best behavior always ends up to be the ...
Well there are! Consider it like behavior training but for daily tasks. Most dogs should probably take a manners class, but if they're anything like one Golden Retriever it may not take ...
Some people count down the calendar days until the colder weather rolls in. Looking forward to the first snowfall of the year ...
The American Kennel Club explains that pups do feel a certain way about us, quoting a scientific study which found that when dogs smell their owners, or the people they love the most, an area of their ...
"It's always the goldens," one viewer of the viral post said, while another added: "He shopped until he dropped." ...
Imagine taking a peaceful evening walk with your sweet Golden Retriever, only for her to suddenly stop and growl fiercely.
Standing at his water bowl, the golden doesn't just slurp his water – he turns the bowl into a swimming pool! Shadow happily ...