02 00 would be 2° N/S. For Longitude, 3 digits are required for the degrees. L/L with decimal minutes uses the same coordinate system as L/L. Except for seconds and fractions of seconds, those are ...
Zoidberg is a tool for generating grids for BOUT++ when using the Flux-Coordinate Independent (FCI) method of evaluating derivative parallel to a magnetic field.
Abstract: An integrated high performance, highly reliable, scalable, and secure communications network is critical for the successful deployment and operation of next-generation electricity generation ...
Most important, the placement of transformers within power grids maximizes effectiveness and safety, preventing loss of life and valuable resources. Power transformers are essential components in ...
We can provide you with a range of gridded datasets (grids) for Australia. List of gridded meteorological elements, and linked metadata These datasets can be ported into a geographic information ...