A: Yes, you can grow a tree. But you will probably never grow fruit. I have personal experience here, but I encourage you to grow a tree. It is a great experience. Growing up, my parents were ...
Select the right agro-ecological zones for avocado growing as the zone determines ... the nutritional requirements of the crop you want to plant. The test should give you the nutrients required ...
When we decide to plant an avocado orchard, we'll plant trees that ... According to experts, it takes roughly 270 liters of water to grow a pound of avocados. So 200 million pounds could require ...
Avocado trees that are grafted will produce fruit after about four years and after seven years should produce 200 or more avocados annually. Warm summer weather is a good time to make plantings ...
But, gardeners have long started avocado trees from pits in the ... superior characteristics, than to grow fruit trees from seed and roll the dice as to what you get. I have heard that if ...