继长白山“朝圣”,张家界“尽孝”之后,上海成为了韩国游客的新爱。近日,《南华早报》的文章生动地描述了繁华的上海街道挤满了梳着标志性韩式发型、讲韩语的游客的场景:Shanghai appears to have become the new ...
Shanghai's GDP totaled 1.2 trillion RMB, ranking 7th in China. Its resident population has reached 18.58 million. The per capita GDP is 64,591.82 RMB. 上海市简称沪,素有“东方明珠 ...
90年代初,Lorenz Helbling来到上海,创立了香格纳画廊。不同的地域文化和思想,在画廊中得以相遇。 In the early 1990s, Lorenz Helbling came to Shanghai and founded ShanghART Gallery.Different regional culture and thought meet in the gallery.