As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hachiko, public fondness for the beloved Akita Inu dog hasn't wavered, particularly among elderly Tokyoites such as Maki Kuroi. Kuroi, 96 ...
Moo Daeng, a dog who continues to wait for her owner outside a convenience store in downtown Nakhon Ratchasima, even after his master's death, earning her the nickname "The Hachiko of Korat." ...
DOVER — The Woodman Museum and surrounding neighborhood has been dealing with a dog conducting its business on the property and surrounding area. The regular occurrence has started to affect the ...
One thing a lot of people don't know, even if they are dog people, is that the American Kennel Club has a "Museum of the Dog." Not only is it not very well-known, but it's very, very cool: Thank ...
One thing a lot of people don't know, even if they are dog people, is that the American Kennel Club has a "Museum of the Dog." Not only is it not very well-known, but it's very, very cool ...
Join Kika as she helps Amit have an amazing day out at the museum! Watch the clip above to see how Kika and Amit get on, and make sure to watch brand new Dog Squad on CBeebies and BBC iPlayer.
The initiative allows dog owners to leave their pets with trained caregivers stationed outside participating venues. Sites include the Uffizi Galleries in Florence, the MAXXI Museum in Rome, the Peggy ...