人類有23對46条染色体,其中22對44条为常染色体,另外一對為性染色体,XY组合的为 单倍群C-M130 单倍群C-M130(英語:Haplogroup C-M130)是人类Y染色体DNA单倍群之一,与单倍群F同为单倍群CF的两个支系之一。 单倍群C大约于距今6万年前出现,应在M168突变发生后不久。
C is a programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. C is very widely used, straightforward, and can be compiled to a number of platforms and operating systems. C is an imperative ...
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to assess the knowledge level of Ghanaian residents on basic legal issues (i.e., legal systems and structures) and how this knowledge affects their perception of justice ...