A new analysis of data from the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) reveals fresh evidence that collisions of even very small nuclei with large ones might create tiny ...
Using a machine learning technique to analyse the decay products of the nuclei produced in these collisions, the ALICE team ...
There is no substitute for helium when it comes to pushing rocket fuel from the tanks into the engines. It is estimated that helium worth USD 1 million is consumed per launch.
I described how some of the heavier elements will fission, releasing energy as they get smaller.  Modern physics also shows the lighter 26 elements release energy as they get larger ...
But this respite is too short to have significant long-term benefit.) When hydrogen and helium atoms from the solar wind ...
New Era Helium Inc. (Nasdaq: NEHC), an exploration and production (E&P) company sourcing helium produced in association with natural gas reserves within the Permian Basin visits the Nasdaq ...
THE abnormally high heat conductivity of helium II below the λ-point, as first observed by Keesom, suggested to me the possibility of an explanation in terms of convection currents. This ...
The present data were obtained from observations on the flow of liquid helium II through long capillaries. Two capillaries were used; the first had a circular bore of radius 0 -05 cm. and length ...
From mysterious dark matter to the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei, the past 12 months have reiterated just how strange ...
Most antimatter particles created in particle accelerators have been fairly simple: anti-protons, positrons, anti-tritium and anti-helium — that sort of thing. However, in experiments at the ...
What makes up the matter we perceive in the universe? To start, there are the usual suspects, like electrons, protons, quarks and neutrinos. But if those particles aren't strange enough for you ...