Hemlock woolly adelgid target hemlock and fir trees. The pests are invasive, sucking, aphid-like insects causing trees to die. They are too small to be seen by the eye, but the damage is visible.
Pennsylvania's state tree is the eastern hemlock. Its scientific name is "Tsuga canadensis." The eastern hemlock was named the state tree in 1931. These trees are slow-growing and long-lived ...
The Hemlock whistles softly to itself.”–Naturalist and botanist Donald Culross Peattite Known as the state tree of Pennsylvania, the backbone of the nineteenth century hide-tanning industry, and a ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Darren George runs the YouTube channel Gro Bonsai, where he restores and maintains bonsai trees. He shows us how he restores a hemlock bonsai by removing the tree ...
The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an aphid-like insect that feeds mainly upon Hemlock tree species. HWA was introduced into the eastern United States from Japan in 1951 by the import of infected ...
The Vancouver park board’s removal of thousands of Stanley Park’s hemlock trees, killed by an infestation of hemlock looper ...
It takes about five to eight years for a tree infested with the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid to die. Although there is time to develop an approach on saving the trees, Derico said plans will begin soon.
SLELO PRISM invites the community to attend a guided hike to learn how to survey hemlock trees for the presence of an invasive insect called Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). The hike ...
A guided hike will be held Jan. 10 at Salmon River Falls in Richland to learn how to survey hemlock trees for the presence of an invasive insect ...
But we’re going to continue to lose some tree species because of both climate change and invasive exotic pests like those that have started to wipe out hemlock and ash trees in the last 10 years.