Determined to find a better solution, I discovered enamel paint. This tough, glossy paint provided the durability and washability my cabinets demanded and has held up for years. It is now my go-to ...
The finding that plaque, gingivitis and periodontitis were more common among children and adolescents with JIA than among those without JIA, constituted a consistent trait in the present review ...
The issue of hyperplastic polyps being potential precursors for CRC is an area of controversy, and at this point there are no specific data that demonstrate that hyperplastic polyps can progress ...
Recognizing healthy, normal anatomy in the dog and cat during routine oral examinations is important. The teeth should be covered by a thin enamel layer and appear smooth and white. The gingiva should ...
Correspondence to: Dr L Shekerdemian Intensive Care Unit, Royal Children’s Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia; Until a little over two decades ...