Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan is celebrating his birthday today, on January 10. On the occasion, the actor received a sweet birthday wish by his girlfriend and actor Saba Azad.
Hanukkah, and New Year’s all done and dusted, the next holiday to look forward to is Valentine’s Day — and Target is definitely going to get you in the romantic mood. Target just dropped the most ...
Today's Hoda Kotb is leaving the NBC morning show after 17 years. There will be tears, but that's not all you should know about her final episode on Jan. 10.
Kaavia wore a red sweatsuit with a white cap and black sneakers for a cool dance performance on a football field at SoFi Stadium recently. The Riff Raff star shared videos and photos from the moment ...
Meghan Markle has released a cute new detail about her daughter, Princess Lilibet, as she embarks on a marketing mission promoting her new Netflix lifestyle show.