Awdry's The Railway Series revolved around a cast of anthropomorphic trains, including Thomas and his friends Gordon, James and Percy, all chuffing along on the imaginary island of Sodor.
In several clips from the ceremony, Woo Seok and Soo Hyun were seen engaging in intense conversation, which left many on the Internet wondering if they had been friends for long. Recently ... For the ...
Lahore: A 30-year-old Indian man crossed over illegally into Pakistan to meet a Facebook friend he wanted to marry, but instead found himself behind bars. And the woman told the local police she ...
This past August, I went on a family vacation with my best friend's family for five days. It was organized by her cousin, David, and his wife, Ashley, for their wedding anniversary. They had ...
The animated film, which follows Amanda and her imaginary friend Rudger, is based on the book by A.F. Harrold, which was illustrated by Emily Gravett. The film comes from Studio Ponce, an offshoot ...