West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday (December 31) announced that Kolkata’s Star Theatre, a cultural institution of the city, would be renamed Binodini Mancha or Binodini theatre.
The best 4K projectors are still the ultimate way for you to get an immersive theater experience at home. All of the projectors in this guide are capable of beaming a larger image than any regular ...
Afternoon theatre is not just for the weekend! Matinee shows in London take place every day of the week. Matinee theatre is great for theatregoers who want to see the latest openings but also want to ...
Discover up-to-date information on jobs and auditions in theatre, dance, and the performing arts, including casting announcements, audition news, job opportunities and advice for onstage and ...
Sanaz Toossi's Pulitzer Prize-winning play arrives on Broadway.