Most liberal scholars invent the swoon theory because they will never accept any miracle – miracles aren’t sophisticated enough for them – but yet they can’t avoid the empty tomb. Their conclusions ...
Lord Jesus Christ, in your burial you have taken ... you could not remain enclosed in the tomb: the tomb is empty because he - the Father - "did not abandon you to the nether world, nor let ...
Jesus’ time on Earth does not end with ... so Peter ran to the tomb and found it empty, just as the women had said. He returned amazed at what he had witnessed.
Most liberal scholars invent the swoon theory because they will never accept any miracle – miracles aren’t sophisticated enough for them – but yet they can’t avoid the empty tomb. Their conclusions ...
Have you searched for your keys only to discover they are in your hands? Sometimes that which is not lost takes time to find. It is in the right place, just not where you expect it. The text says Mary ...
Jesus Christ, our Passover and our Peace, living and reigning with You, forever and ever. Amen. The empty tomb was not a proof of the resurrection, but rather a silent witness of the greatest ...
As you reach the end of the temple, you’ll encounter a large chamber with a demon’s head carved in stone as its centerpiece known as the Demon’s Tomb. In true Indy style, the room is a tough ...