Scroll through five-dozen photographs of Iowa and Iowans, taken by Little Village readers and curated by LV Graphic Designer ...
If you are new to birds, take a look at the Beginning Backyard Birding class that begins on January 23. Resources: All about ...
Recycle your Christmas tree at 75 drop-off locations across New York City during Mulchfest, which runs through Sunday, January 12.
Get expert tips on how to prune juniper topiaries, groundcovers, upright, and shrubby juniper plants to keep yours looking ...
Old-growth juniper trees are a symbol of the American West. Their ancient and gnarled trunks and branches twist into haunting ...
Tom Mizik has been a birdwatcher for more than 50 years and a carver of birds for more than 30. He mostly does Colorado birds ...
I spent my first night in this area under a rock. Then I built a simple wood shelter and eventually added adobe brick walls to make a better shelter. Now the frame of the roof is complete and it’s ...
Old-growth juniper trees are a symbol of the American West. Their ancient and gnarled trunks and branches twist into haunting ...
Luckily I grow several other trees, like elm and bird cherry that are also endowed with special powers and elder was deemed so effective that in 19th Century Perthshire a hearse driver used its wood ...
A Redditor has been having trouble managing weeds in their yard and recently posted about it in r/landscaping.