Prime Minister Narendra Modi renewed his pitch for a nationwide Uniform Civil Code (UCC) on Saturday (December 14), recalling the views of veteran leaders Dr BR Ambedkar and KM Munshi on the matter.
including references to the late Congress president Purushottam Das Tandon and the late former Minister in the Nehru government K.M. Munshi, packed with political narrative-building. Mr.
He quoted Constitution framer B.R. Ambedkar as decrying the religion-based personal law, and the late leader K.M. Munshi who said that religion-based personal laws needed to go in order to make ...
He said people there voted in large numbers in the election that followed and it was violence-free. He acknowledged the contributions of Dr B R Ambedkar, K M Munshi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Dr ...