That's a little short of the circa 140 PPI of a 32-inch 4K monitor. It's quite a ways off the 166 PPI of the new 4K 27-inch OLEDs we mentioned earlier today, too, obviously.
It's also worth noting that LG hasn't revealed a 27-inch OLED display yet, with the company instead focusing on curved, bendable monitors. That said, it's still early, and we might see one before ...
LG is about to change the game with a trio of cutting-edge ultrawide gaming monitors in their UltraGear ... to 16:9 mode or work on a smaller 27-inch window. The rest of the features include ...
Three tech giants have just unveiled 27-inch 4K OLED 240Hz ... Last week we heard that LG plans to unveil new UltraGear OLED monitors at CES, including a 45-inch 5K2K bendable model with dual ...