“The Dragon Prince” series first made its appearance on Netflix in 2018. The show follows three young children — Callum (Jack De Sena), Ezran (Sasha Rojen) and Rayla (Paula Burrows) — on their ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. 'I said run for prime minister, you'll win in a — it'll take two seconds,' U.S. president-elect Donald Trump tells ...
The Rig star Iain Glen has opened up about the challenges of filming series two of the Amazon Prime Video show, which takes the crew to the Arctic Circle ...
EXCLUSIVE: The Rig season 2 will see the crew of the Kinloch Bravo in a new deadly location and star Iain Glen has shared how impressed he was with the action.
Explore how 2024's best games, like Pizza Tower and Vampire Survivors, recaptured the magic of '90s gaming through pixel art, classic mechanics, and nostalgic gameplay.