海明威的现代主义文学登上历史舞台是在一战后的巴黎,标志是短篇小说集《在我们的时代》。这部小说集不但以第一次世界大战为主要内容,而且淋漓尽致地体现了海明威的现代主义风格。在描写希土战争(希腊与土耳其的战争1919—1922年)、题为《第二章》的小短篇中 ...
在汉语里,“故”是一个形声字,最早见于商朝金文时代。它的本义是“缘故、原因”,后来引申出了多种含义。 In Chinese, the character "故" (gu) is a pictophonetic character, first ...
Tongue-in-cheek, you see, is a facial expression actors and actresses sometimes make when they say something jovial or sarcastic. They make a tongue-in-cheek face to draw attention to the fact they’re ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from ...