I was thrilled when I found the tracks coming and going from my garage last December. Finally! Mustelid help with the mice ...
與海豹)也被歸為此亞目。本亞目中多數動物的爪都不能伸縮(但魚貂(英语:fisher (animal))、貂屬、小貓熊與蓬尾浣熊(英语:Ring-tailed Cat)的爪具有一定收縮能力),且除了犬科外均屬跖行性(即跖骨平坦地行走)。犬型亞目與貓型亞目的區別在於較長的爪 ...
My first encounter with a weasel was fox trapping as a teenager in the 1970s. I caught one in a No. 1½ coil-spring trap at a dirt-hole set for fox. I admit I set my pan tension pretty light in those ...
Overnight half of the Grand Marais Harbor froze giving some great reflections. When I got home, I saw what I first thought was a squirrel running through the trees but turned out to be a short-tailed ...
A couple of weeks ago, the doorbell-camera app on my phone flashed an alert: There is motion at your front door. This was ...
Just as an aside there were also a handful of mammals spotted such as gray squirrels (25), muskrat (1), coyotes (9), red fox (1), mule deer (132), whitetail deer (60), and a long-tailed weasel (1). In ...
They have thick fur that changes with the seasons and a varied diet that includes rodents, birds, and fruit. Long-tailed Weasels inhabit forests, grasslands, and marshes. They prefer areas with ample ...
We have seen an ermine (short-tailed weasel) twice this year. This one is about six inches long. They are tiny but fierce predators. They are very skilled hunters having great speed and agility and ...
We are spectacularly lucky with the wildlife which comes to our garden but were not prepared for our latest arrival in early December which ...