Background: HJIG is a potential treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) that has been used in China for over 20 years. We conducted a multi-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial ...
Lycium barbarum, commonly known as goji berry, is renowned for its pectin polysaccharides (LBPPs), which offer a range of benefits including antioxidant, immune-regulating, and anti-aging effects.
Prostate health often takes a backseat in conversations about men’s wellness, but it’s a critical factor that can ...
【产品介绍】:为桑科植物桑的根皮的棕色粉末状提取物。 【主要成分】:含伞形花内酯、东莨菪素,黄酮成分桑根皮素,桑索、桑色烯,环桑素、环桑色烯等。 【*】:泻肺平喘,利水*。用于**,面目*,*等症。 【备注】: 药材性状 呈长而扭曲的板片状,筒 ...
Isolation and Identification of Compounds from Bioactive Extracts of Taraxacum officinale Weber ex F. H. Wigg. (Dandelion) as a Potential Source of Antibacterial Agents.
蛋白纯化仪的主要用途是什么?它如何帮助研究人员通过各种层析技术高效地分离和纯化蛋白质?在生物制药、基础研究等领域,蛋白纯化仪具体应用于哪些方面,对研究工作有何重要性? 蛋白纯化的原理及操作步骤 [font=宋体]重组蛋白的表达(尤其是使用细菌 ...
Oxidative Stress: Neuropathy, Excitability, and Neurodegeneration.
His team has been studying compounds isolated from Lycium barbarum, one of the two medicinal species of goji berry recorded in Chinese Pharmacopeia. “Since 2007, we have been studying L.