You can find the expiry date under additional information on your study permit. This date is usually the length of your study program, plus 90 days. The extra 90 days gives you time to prepare to ...
And because we are your study abroad office, University of Nevada, Reno students like you have access to special resources to help you plan your study abroad experience. *Programs must be approved.
Whether offered on campus or online, M.B.A. programs explore management, marketing, accounting, finance and leadership for business professionals. Every online M.B.A. program offers a unique ...
Popular areas of study include business, education, tech and social sciences. The price of a graduate degree varies widely, but the most affordable master’s programs often cost less than the ...
We all know that staying hydrated is good for human health – but a new study goes into more specific detail about all the various benefits that come along with drinking plenty of water, and you might ...
They will study at university medical schools for six years, towards obtaining a doctor’s licence. The Japanese government will cover their tuition fees and all their living expenses.
Additionally, if you hold both a valid study permit, and a valid co-op work permit that meets the conditions above, you may be eligible to enroll in additional study programs under this policy if: You ...
If you’re moving from secondary to post-secondary levels You need to get a new study permit by applying to extend your current one to attend a post-secondary school. Important information: If you ...
Study one of our world-renowned subjects for 3 or 8 weeks, using London as inspiration for your research. If you already study overseas and your home university approves, you may be able to transfer ...
You can earn a certificate through a self-study program and take the exam for certification online. Learn more about landscapers and groundskeepers. Licensed practical and licensed vocational ...