Veteran actor Govind Namdev, who has been a part of films like Oh My God and Wanted, had earlier shared a photo with 30-year-old actor Shivangi Verma. The post quickly went viral, with the ...
Govind Namdev, a veteran television and film actor, was rumoured to be in a relationship with an actress, 40 years younger than him. The speculation surfaced after Shivangi Verma shared a ...
Govind Namdev quashed rumours of his relationship with 31-year-old actress Shivangi Verma. The speculation began after Shivangi shared a picture with the 70-year-old actor on Instagram ...
Govind Namdev sparked dating rumours with a 31-year old actress as he dropped a photo with her and wrote, "Pyaar knows no age, no limits." The actor has however now broken silence and clarified ...
Govind Namdev recently addressed the rumors surrounding his relationship with actress Shivangi Verma. The dating speculation began after Shivangi, 31, posted a photo on Instagram where she was ...
A photo of 70-year-old actor Govind Namdev with 31-year-old actress Shivangi Verma sparked online speculation about their relationship. However, it was revealed they are co-starring in an upcoming ...
Thirty-seven-year-old Jitendra Tanwar runs Namdev Finvest, an NBFC that takes global impact funding to small businesses in small towns in India. The Jaipur-based company lends to small businesses ...