or to a central mechanism, reflecting the sensitization of central nociceptive neurons to mechanically evoked input. Successful neuropathic pain management requires the definition of precise ...
the proposed mechanisms behind the potentially additional beneficial effect of allowing painful exercises over pain free exercises for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Central ...
While these results advance our understanding of the brain mechanisms behind pain and ... predicting the facial expression of acute nociceptive pain, eLife (2024). DOI: 10.7554/eLife.
Their findings reveal that the neural mechanisms underlying these expressions ... predicting the facial expression of acute nociceptive pain, eLife (2024). DOI: 10.7554/eLife.
Often when we think of pain it is the nociceptive kind ... "All of us hate pain, but pain is a protective mechanism," explains Peter Highlander, DPM, of the Bellevue Hospital in Bellevue, Ohio.