Humans owe a great deal to mice. Despite their seemingly vast differences, these small creatures share 85% of their genes with us, many of which perform essential functions inherited from a common ...
Any man with stubbornly visible nose hair can relate to the difficulty of taming them: the intense sting and watery eyes when you pluck one (never again), the precarious and awkward attempts to ...
Most birds, and by that we mean 97 percent of all species, don’t have external genitalia and instead have what’s known as a cloaca (as did dinosaurs ). Seen in birds, reptiles, amphibians, some fish, ...
Pull your ear forward and it’ll ping back, thanks to the elastic cartilage it’s made up of. Elastic cartilage is actually quite rare as tissue types go, and a pivotal clue during the team’s ...
Infrastructure technicians and engineers can become qualified with the ICE as Infrastructure Engineering Technicians (EngTech MICE), Incorporated Infrastructure Engineers (IEng MICE) or Chartered ...
The composition of nodes that effectively transmit sinusoidal waves in a model network resembling C. elegans' electrical synapses network changes according to the waves' wavenumber.
Scientists have now deciphered the structure of the avian influenza ... The findings suggest that vaccines delivered directly to the nose or mouth could play a critical role in ...