These are the best replicas of the world's most famous ships around the world, including museums and floating hotels.
The owner had battled rough waters for hours before being pushed ashore. He was quoted over $20,000 to remove the boat but couldn't afford it, so he put it up for sale for just $1, hoping to find ...
The icebreaker owned by Sun Yat-sen University is studying the impact of rapid environmental changes on the climate.
Chen Xianyao, a prominent marine physicist and professor at the Ocean University of China, highlighted the importance of the ...
Average capacity offered on Asia-to-Europe routes has increased just 8.8 percent, despite 31 percent more ships on the route, ...
An international marine research team guided by Cornell expertise has successfully completed an ambitious drilling project to ...
A crew members' view of life on the RRS Sir David Attenborough as it researches the impact of climate change at the extremes ...
SpaceX is gearing up for a launch that will send 24 Starlink satellites from Central Florida to low-Earth orbit on Monday.
Wong Kim Ark was born around 1870 in San Francisco’s Chinatown. After moving back to China, he hoped to return, but was ...
Whether you’re a planner or prefer to play it by ear, it’s always fun to have exciting events to look forward to. Here are 25 ...
Vantage Drilling International Ltd, the Bermudian-registered exempted company, has announced a joint venture with ...
After a big storm damaged the Santa Cruz wharf, repairs were begun, placing an engine and a pile driver on the wharf to pound ...